Saturday, August 22, 2009


i am determined to keep this blog/journal updated because life goes by to quickly. in the past 14 months that i have not written so many things have happened and they will all be forgotten because i was to worried about perfection. i have a problem and that is. . .perfection. i didnt care for the way my blog "looked" so i didn't want to write any more posts until i fixed it and i was also worried that my spelling and grammar would be wrong so i also wanted to wait until i went private. well . . . it has been so long since i have written i am sure that this blog is almost private so for those of you who still check back to read about our lives then please know that it wont be PERFECT but it will help me remember the best days of my life!

thanks for reading


Jylaire said...

Yay! I'm glad you're back to the blogging world! If you're ever feeling less than perfect, just check out my blog, and you'll feel fantastic about yourself! My posts are usually lame, and the blog background will probably never change!

The Homer House said...

Kelli, I have been waiting for you to post again so that I knew you saw your comments. If you go private could you please include me?!
I have been thinking about you a lot and wondering how you are. Your kids are getting so big yet still cute as ever.
I would love to get in touch! Email me anytime.
Take care,