Monday, April 28, 2008

My action packed day!!

It is only 2:00pm and my day has already been full of surprises and laughs. Last night while visiting my Mom and Dad, Boston found his first and probably last pet. . . .a ladybug!!! He was so excited to bring it home and put it in his side table drawer! We instead put it in a bowl with some grass and covered it with saran wrap! When he woke up this morning he ran into our bedroom and he could not stop talking about his pet lady bug. . . . it had survived the night! After hearing all about the ladybug I went to get Luci out of her crib and she was covered in throw up. I got her out and cleaned her up in time for her to diarrhea all over. I had promised Boston he could play with a friend so after I had Luci all cleaned up his friend came over. Boston sat in time out three times the first 15 minutes his friend was over because he kept yelling at him. Boston was so upset because anything his friend did upset his ladybug and Boston had just put the ladybug to sleep. Then all the kids wanted a pick nick so I made food and let them go outside. Luci stayed in the house and ate some cottage cheese and chips. While eating her cottage cheese she grabbed a big handful wiped it all over her mouth and said, "HO, HO, HO!" I tried so hard not to laugh because I had just got through mopping my floors! Luci figured, " I do it the bath tub with bubbles why not with cottage cheese? After I cleaned up all the cheese curds all over I went outside to help the boys clean up their pick nick. While I was outside Luci fell and skinned her knee! I finally got her to stop crying and fall asleep which brings me to now! I haven't stopped all day but I am still not showered, the laundry isn't done and we still have dishes! The good news is the Ladybug got a nap, Luci is sleeping, and band aids and kisses make everything better ! Everything else can wait until tomorrow!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Kelli! I found your blog off of Lichelle's. It's been so fun reading about your little family. I have a Lucy, too! I just had to leave a comment after reading about your day. I was laughing out loud at Luci's cottage cheese Santa moment. Too funny!

Jylaire said...

Don't you just love days like those! Luci is too funny! Let's try and get together next week, okay?